Hi! What is your name and where are you from?
My name is Noel Musicha. I am from Malawi in South East Africa. I currently live in San Diego, California
What is your faith story, Pastor Noel? What can you tell us about your personal life testimony?
I grew up in the church back in Malawi. So that was my first introduction to God and Jesus. Both my mother and father were dedicated lay leaders in the church.
Our Presbyterian church did not have too much emphasis on raising your hand to show that you were born again but we were following Jesus and changing our lives to be informed by His calling. It was when I was in high school that I started sensing weird things that were only connected later as nudges of the Christ. I first experienced one while listening to a story that talked about heaven. I was taken by and captivated by the picture especially because the song was done by a paralyzed man who positioned himself as not paralyzed anymore in heaven.
Then I went to study at the African Bible College in Malawi against my will but there, God started to show up and slowly show me that he was doing something new in me. During this time I rededicated my life to him in a way that was personal. But that was not the first time. This was just another yes. I don't know what this is but yes.
Then, I got an opportunity to get a soccer scholarship to study in the United States and that whole story was weird. It was strange to be recruited by a coach that had never seen me play. Something was happening. While in the United States, I started to get furious about people living in poverty. There, my passion and Jesus' passion met. But I still felt like my passion was better because I was not all powerful but I was showing up. This wrestle started to tone down the gospel in me while elevating social justice. I felt that social justice was all that was needed. With some gospel here and there of course; but that was just needed to love people in practical ways.
Along the way, I started to feel abandoned by people that promised to be there as we pursued social justice work together and that started to gravitate me into depression. I was angry at people and the work itself started to get heavy.
At the height of my anger, the Lord showed up first when I was in South Africa observing the darkness that apartheid created. I was in Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela's neighborhood, the only street in the world with two Nobel Price Winners (Vilakazi Street in Soweto) and there the Lord asked me a question, "Son of man, can these bones live again?"
Then I was taken "in the spirit" back to my under-resourced neighborhood in Linda Vista and again, "Son of man, can these bones live again?" I knew in that moment, that I did not have anything in me. This was not anything my passion could do. I was "soul tired". I was done. Then came the invitation, "follow me"
14 years after being trained into Pastoral ministry without having heard the call, that is how I was called. The final call came on September 11th, 2016 . Yes. Lord. Then boomed a love and passion for the Lord, and boom a different kind of love and passion for the materially poor. But this time it was a fire that burned that could not be consumed. It grows and grows. It is a beautiful and active relationship.
Wow, I love this story! What is your favorite scripture and why?
I think the whole book of Hebrews. I have gone through it over and over and over. It was my Sabbatical go to so I would go through it every Sabbath. I love that it is a pivot for the people of God into a new and better thing that God was doing.
If there was one nugget of wisdom in your walk and growth in Christ that you would want to leave us with, what would that be?
Ask; but know that God knows what you need.
Do you have any resources (devotionals, books, studies) that have helped you that you would recommend?
The ministry of 3DM has probably been the most helpful resource and the CCDA conference (Christian Community Development Conference). Those are my go to.
Thank you Pastor Noel! Where can we find you online?
Instagram: @NoelNoxyMusicha
Facebook: Noel Noxy Musicha
Sunday message: Ebenezer Church SD on Facebook
Short snippets and message: Ebenezer Church SD on youtube
Work in Africa: The Chisomo Idea on Facebook and instagram
We always hear about the pursuit of purpose. Some of us have no doubt what that should be. And some of us are still asking God to bring clarity. Pastor Noel's story is a simple look into how God chisels that purpose in us when we simply say "Yes". Sometimes the call to purpose is not a clear, straight path. Sometimes we say yes in one area that seems completely unrelated; initially. And yet, once it is clear, it is usually a confirmation of something we always knew was there: that thing that we become on fire about- passion. Sometimes a passion that only you have because it was specifically YOU that was called to provide a solution to that irritant or problem. Now, you are walking in your purpose or calling.
If this is an area that you have been seeking insight from God from, pull out your journal. What are the things that seem to irritate you? What are the ideas or resolutions that you have been dreaming about? Now seek God for clarity in your direction in pursuit of those things. You may have found your calling.
Lord, I thank you. I thank you are constantly raising up people in the purpose that you pre- designed for us. As we come to you for direction this morning, I thank you that you are releasing clarity today. I thank you that paths are being made straight. People are being seen, and witty ideas and creative solutions are being released because we are simply saying "Yes".
In Jesus' Name, Amen!
Love you Selah fam!