Selah: Tell us your name and where you're from?
D: My name is De’Andrea Reese and I’m from San Antonio, Texas.
Selah: What is your faith story? What can you tell us about your personal life testimony?
D: I believe that my faith story expresses my whole life. I’ve experienced many moments where I’ve had to trust God despite what I currently saw in front of me. My testimony has been one that like others, has been full of highs and lows, but that’s what makes it all the more beautiful.
I didn’t grow up with my biological father in my life, so that was an open door for the spirit of rejection to grip its claws in me. I went through seasons of unhealthy relationships, toxic friendships, and just allowing myself to be passive when it came to who I let in my personal space. Because I hadn’t dealt with the rejection from my past, I allowed myself to date guys that didn’t mean well and were only after one thing. I didn’t care at the time because in my mind, I was getting some kind of attention from them even if I wasn't intimate with them. I was minimizing my worth for short term satisfaction.
I got to a point in my life where I realized no matter how hard I tried to avoid it; the void wasn’t going anywhere because I was allowing the wrong things and people in my heart. I was giving them space in my heart where only God should dwell. I began to really do some self-reflection and realized that I was the one who allowed myself to be at this place of frustration. I didn’t condemn myself because that’s what the enemy wants us to do. But I did put myself in check and realized that it was all connected to a seed that was planted a long time ago. A seed that I swept under the rug and allowed myself to nurture rather than uproot and heal from it. I had to have faith and believe that the Father wouldn’t abandon me, but would heal me completely. All I had to do was have faith and ask Him. It was then, that I began to seek the Lord about being healed and delivered from all of my past.
My attention was no longer focused on entertaining these dead-end relationships, but all about growing in my relationship with the One Who gave me my identity in the first place. I decided to give Jesus full access to every part of my heart and my life. He not only healed and delivered me entirely from my past, but He also restored more than I could ever imagine. By giving the Lord full access, I was not only able to develop a relationship with my biological father, but I was truly able to see my value and what I deserve in every area of my life. I continued to step out on faith and launched specific projects that the Lord had been pressing on my heart to do.
Looking up back now, I can see that it was absolutely worth it. Yes, it was uncomfortable, it hurt, and there were tears, but through it all, I’m so much wiser and stronger because of it.
Selah: What is your favorite scripture and why?
D: My favorite scripture is Psalm 27: 1-3 because it reminds me that no matter what may be going on around me, I’m covered by the Lord. That He is my refuge and strength and through it all, no matter what may try to come up against me, it will fail. Selah: If there was one nugget of wisdom in your walk and growth in Christ that you would want to leave us with, what would that be?
D: One nugget of wisdom that I would give is no matter what it may look like now, know that God has so much greater for you on the other side of this obstacle. That it’s all for your good and that God is with you every step of the way. Selah: Do you have any resources (devotionals, books, studies) that have helped you that you would recommend?
D: One book that has helped me in my walk with God is the Amplified version of the Bible. This version of the Bible is so easy to interpret and apply to your everyday life.
Selah: Thank you for sharing such a beautiful testimony De'Andrea! Where can we find you online?
D:You can find me online at deandreareese.com for coaching, encouragement, and speaking engagements
Instagram: @DeAndrea_Reese Facebook: DeAndreaNReese (public figure page) Twitter: @DeAndreaReese
Selah family,
De'Andrea's story of healing a daughter's heart is one that some of us can definitely relate to. What areas of hidden wounds would you like to be healed today?
Prayer for today:
I am praying that for every area of rejection, a release of adoption is covering your life. Thant those hidden wounds are being mended beginning today. That you are reminded that you are made perfect as you are and that you are lacking nothing. You are beautifully and wonderfully made. May you take comfort and walk in full confidence in all of these truths. And may the peace of God rule and abide in you! In Jesus' name, Amen.