Tell us your name and where you're from?
B: My name is Briana Young and I am from Moreno Valley, CA.
What is your faith story, Bri? What can you tell us about your personal life testimony?
B: I grew up in the church and have been saved for as long as I can remember. Growing up, I wasn't really focused on what it meant to trust God and in my earlier twenties, life was pretty easy; so there wasn't much that I felt like I needed God to save me from. As I got older and began relationships that caused me to show up in a different way, it really tested my relationship with God. I felt like He abandoned me because I made mistakes. It took me to get to a point where all I could do was look up and inward, to see that He never left me. I now see Him working in so many ways that I never thought I needed. I am in a season of growth and healing. While many times it is uncomfortable, I am reminded that God is with me every step of the way and it is giving me the courage to stand taller, walk more confidently, and speak my truth more boldly.
What is your favorite scripture and why?
B: One of my favorite scripture is Psalms 62:8
"Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge".
This scripture is a reminder to me that God is ready and willing to take all that burdens me and carry the load so I can be free to live fully in Him.
If there was one nugget of wisdom in your walk and growth in Christ that you would want to leave us with, what would that be?
Even in your mistakes, God is still faithful and wants to see you prosper. He can use what you thought as a mistake or failure for His glory. So don't wallow in what went wrong, but keep an open heart and mind to how he will re-purpose a situation.
Do you have any resources (devotionals, books, studies) that have helped you that you would recommend?
B: The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson was a powerful book that really gave me a visual of what it looks like to stand on the word of God in prayer.
Thank you so much Bri! Where can we find you online?
Instagram: @designedbybree
Facebook: Briana Young
Books/ publications: I'm So Thankful: A children's book.
Sometimes, when God takes us through a season of re-learning Him, it ironically can feel like we are alone. But in those times, His silence pulls and draws us closer and closer to Him until we are finally close enough to hear no other voice but His. I absolutely love Bri's term in His re-purpose for our lives. No matter where you are in your walk with Christ, you are never absent of purpose. Sometimes it's the "How" that is shaped in our journey with Him. Have you ever had a time that you felt this way, and God showed you a deeper level of yourself? Reflect on that today.
Lord, we thank you today. We thank you for your grace that covers every misjudgment, misalignment, and every time that we simply moved off course of your plan. We thank you that you are a Father that sees us as no less valuable and you remind us that we were created with purpose and designed to walk in that purpose.
Father, I lift up every reader of this story today. I ask that in their searching that you meet them today. Bring a refreshing vision of clarity over their lives. And lastly, I cover Brianna and her family. I pray that you continue to bless them in every area of creativity, love and entrepreneurship as their gifts continue to give you the Glory.
In Jesus' name, Amen
Love you and praying for you Selah fam! Thank you for reading! And as always, if this blessed and encouraged you, please share. You never know who needs to hear this testimony.
Love, R.