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Arah's Faith Story: An evolutionary journey in wisdom

Writer's picture: Raaya HarrisRaaya Harris

Tell us your name and where you're from?

A: Hi! My name is Arah and I am from Rialto, CA

Hey Arah! What is your faith story? What can you tell us about your personal life testimony today?

My faith story is more of a constant evolving as I grow in Christ and learn daily how to have a closer relationship with God. My parents separated early in my life and I was raised by my mother and grandparents. Growing up the youngest person with older individuals, I was able to learn wisdom from my grandparents and have a solid faith foundation. I grew up in church and my grandparents were very instrumental with teaching me how to pray; and my grandmother (in particular) was very instrumental with teaching me how not to focus on my natural circumstances, but rely on God and exercise my faith to help me navigate life’s constant challenges.

Understanding early in life that my family structure was different, I did not grow up consistently with both parents and my siblings. As a result, I felt abandoned and I was very sensitive as a child. My mother and grandparents did their best to love me and I always knew that I was special to them. Yet, the gap of not interacting with my father and my siblings and not understanding the lack of consistency of having my father in my life took a toll on me, which I did not fully understand until more recently. This sense of abandonment and rejection followed me while in school, especially, my high school years. I remembered being teased by classmates and I was not popular by any means. I had a difficult time “fitting in,” as I enjoyed extracurricular activities such as marching band and I was quickly labeled as a “band geek.” I was depressed quite frequently in high school; and although I was in church on a regular basis, I did not understand the true meaning of having a personal relationship with God and not relying or seeking the approval of other people as acceptance. Also, I did not fully understand my life purpose and how God would use me, my talents and abilities for His Kingdom. I did not understand how much God truly loved ME as His daughter and who I was as a child of God. This aspect has taken me several years and more encounters with God to have a deeper understanding of who I am in Christ.

Evolving during my faith journey has taught me the importance of forgiveness and to let go of offenses. For me, learning to forgive my father for not raising me and being a consistent part of my life has been a testimony in itself. While we have a good relationship, I have learned that forgiveness is for me to let go of pain and offense. The process hasn’t been easy, and I tried to seek justice for wrongdoing, yet it isn’t my job to seek justice by treating others poorly or constantly reminding people of how they offended me. I did not understand that I lived in a constant victim-like state, as I held on to negative experiences as if I was drinking poison. I now realize and accept that I am responsible for my own actions and holding on to past experiences holds myself in bondage and hinders me from experiencing freedom in Christ. Once I understood that I lived and operated in this victim mindset and how other people projected their pain and attempted to hurt me, I repented to God and I continue to seek God’s wisdom to let go of such experiences.

Incorporating faith throughout my life has been an exciting and interesting journey as life has many twists and turns. As exercising faith is like physical exercise, I have learned that exercising my faith must be constant in my life, even when I don’t feel like doing so. Not being afraid to pray bold prayers, reading the Bible, listening to sermons (especially during this quarantine) and being available to help and encourage others is all a part of exercising faith and exemplify loving one another as Jesus consistently demonstrated during his earthy ministry.

Thank you for sharing, Arah. What is your favorite scripture and why?

My favorite scripture is Habakkuk 2:2-3:

“Write the vision and make it plain on the tablet, so that it might be read quickly. For there is yet a vision for the appointed time; it will give witness to the end, and it will not lie. If it tarries, wait for it, for it will surely come and not delay.”

I love this scripture, especially as I write prayers on post on my bedroom wall. When I write prayers or requests from other people, I want to be reminded not only of the prayer, but to witness how God answers prayers in many ways. From the prayers currently on my wall, I have witnessed God move in my life and in the lives of my friends and relatives. This scripture for me is a clear reminder that God always aware of our prayers.

If there was one nugget of wisdom in your walk and growth in Christ that you would want to leave us with, what would that be?

Never give up on God! We all must exercise our faith even when difficult circumstances arise. When I would vent to my grandmother about something not going well in my life, she would always ask me “Where is your faith?” Is my faith in the natural circumstances, or in the supernatural power of God being able to move mountains to answer my prayers and the prayers of others? Also, don’t be afraid to demonstrate your faith and be available for others. I love to encourage others who are experiencing life challenges, because I want to see people delivered from emotional turmoil.

Do you have any resources (devotionals, books, studies) that have helped you that you would recommend?

I love devotionals! I highly recommend “The Confident Woman Devotional” by Joyce Meyer and her book “Healing the Soul of a Woman.” Also, I love the book “Praying God’s Will for Your Life” by Stormie Omartian. I love the Godwink book series by SQuire Rushnell, especially “When God Winks at You.” This series by SQuire Rushnell always reminds me that God cares about the small details in my life and how prayers are answered.

Awesome. Where can we find you online? Instagram: Facebook: Books/ publications: Podcasts:

I am on Facebook (Arah Parker), IG: @Arahahaha and Twitter: @Arahp1912

I look forward to connecting with your readers!



Job 12:12 poses the question: "Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?" Like this scripture, Arah's experience above showed us that God developed wisdom in her in two ways: through the counsel of her grandmother and the grace of God through the life classroom. As we allow God to teach us about the hidden things within ourselves, we can be open to operate in those things in our lives, as well as encourage others going through the spaces where we have been: an evolution in wisdom. As you are journaling today, how has wisdom been revealed in your life? Was it through the advice of mentors? Was it through actual experience? Was it both? If you look at questions that you have today? How is God confirming the scriptures and His plan for your life and growth today?


Lord, today we simply say thank you. You told us that this race that we are running is a matter of endurance, not speed. So we thank you for guiding us along the way. We thank you for the people that you have placed in our lives that can speak to our situation. We thank you for the life lessons along the way that develop us and enable us to speak life into others. We ask that in those moments, that you still our hearts and open our understanding to see the value in the wisdom.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Until next week, Selah family!

Love, R.



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