Something for the SOUL:

NEW Daily Devotional group this week:
Would you read the Bible Plan, A Journey From Worry to Confident Hope: Praying Through the Lord’s Prayer, with me?
Gratitude Journal Questions for the day:
1.Name something beautiful that you saw today.
2. What memory are you grateful for?
Something for the Body:

Day 9: Alternating Bent-Over Row with Kettlebells
A. Start standing with feet hip width apart. Hinge forward at hips until back is parallel to floor, holding one kettlebell in each hand.
B. Bend right elbow, drawing kettlebell up to right side. Lower back down. Alternate sides.
Reps: 30 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest
Sets: 4

Day 10: Curtsey Lunge to Kettlebell Y Press A. Start standing with kettlebell racked in right hand at shoulder height. B. Step right foot back into a curtsey lunge. C. Stand back up and drive right knee up to a 90-degree angle, balancing on left leg while pressing kettlebell overhead. Repeat. Switch sides for the next set. Reps: 30 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest Sets: 4 (2 on each side)
Something for the MIND:
Don't forget to learn something new today and sound in below!
Love ya!